Thursday, July 10, 2008


It's been said that the internet gives a false impression of community. Here, you can find friends no matter how outlandish your thinking. Yet a common complaint of these "communities" and their members is a sense of isolation on the physical plane where they make their daily lives. There they feel like outsiders in a strange land. Inside the internet, they can finally find a compassionate ear. I suppose many things have been written on this phenomenon, but I just wanted to add another to the list. What if this was as it's intended? Not brought about by some uber-elites to keep us divided, but brought on by ourselves, as individuals of our own free will? What if, either consciously or subconsciously, we knew that our thoughts and viewpoints would go to waste if we all just assimilated into one big happy family? Then we'd just be constantly be patting each other's backs, and nothing would ever change. Far from intellectual growth in the world, we'd have intellectual stagnation. This is the wisdom of the weed, who alone spreads its seed far and wide. There they wait for just the right time, just the right place, for a new home to flourish and grow in.

Have faith in yourselves. You are what you are meant to be.


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